Behold El Shaddai, "Shira"
I am calling this girl Shira and in Hebrew it means "My Song".
“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.” 2 Chronicles 5:13
"Shira" is new here as I have bought her back from Terressa who had to stop being a breeder for awhile. This lovely girl is so pretty and fun. She is trying to fit into my cattery and so far, nobody is being mean to her. She has huge poly paws and a very pretty face. Looking forward to later breeding her and getting some really nice babies from her.
SIRE: Behold the Joy of the Lord, "Joyson"
Silver mac tabby
DAM: Behold I Have Run the Race PP
Blue mac tabby, poly paw
Full DNA normal/negative